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Strengthen Your Immune System


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Promote Your Body's Own Defenses Against Illness & Discomfort
across the sea with PMR


Strengthen Your Immune System - SyncSouls

7,99 €



43 Min.



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Promote your health and activate your defenses with affirmations, formulas of autogenic training and the focus of mindfulness on internal organs!
The immune system is your biological defence system, with which your body prevents damage from pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Constant environmental influences constantly affect your body. Your immune system is a complex and adaptable system.
A module to strengthen your body's defences is this 22 minute mindfulness exercise. This deep relaxation can help you to strengthen your immune system. You have the possibility to choose between a male or female guiding voice.
Of course, in many cases of illness, consultation with a doctor is indispensable and this audio book does not replace medical diagnosis and therapy.
However, the strengthening affirmations of SyncSouls can help you on your way to stabilizing and improving your immune system!
The best effect is achieved after repeated (daily) use.
After the exercise you will receive an immune system strengthening sound journey for your own imagination and relaxation.


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Language: English
Narrator: Colin Griffiths-Brown
Production and directing: - Torsten Abrolat

Music: N.N.
Mastering: SyncSouls Mastering, Hamburg



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Strengthen Your Immune System

Promote your health and activate your defenses with affirmations, formulas of autogenic training and the focus of mindfulness on internal organs!
The immune system is your biological defence system, with which your body prevents damage from pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Constant environmental influences constantly affect your body. Your immune system is a complex and adaptable system.
A module to strengthen your body's defences is this 22 minute mindfulness exercise. This deep relaxation can help you to strengthen your immune system. You have the possibility to choose between a male or female guiding voice.
Of course, in many cases of illness, consultation with a doctor is indispensable and this audio book does not replace medical diagnosis and therapy.
However, the strengthening affirmations of SyncSouls can help you on your way to stabilizing and improving your immune system!
The best effect is achieved after repeated (daily) use.
After the exercise you will receive an immune system strengthening sound journey for your own imagination and relaxation.


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