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Autogenic Training 1


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Get long-term power with the german concentrative self relaxation technique


Autogenic Training 1 - SyncSouls

8,99 €



61 Min.





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Relax the german way;)
SyncSouls put together a methodical audio training for beginners which optimally coaches the autogenic training step by step. The aim of this exercises is to make you apply the autogenic training yourself in day to day situations and thus let you gain more balance and a better body perception.

The autogenic training (also known as contrantrative self relaxation) is a worldwide established relaxation technique. The method was developed by the German (Berlin) psychiatrist Johannes Schulz in the 20s of the 20th century.

The own body perception is trained and improves. Suggestive techniques are used for bringing off a relaxed muscular system and to feel it faster and more intense. With your own awareness, thus with your own suggestive (meaning self influencing) forces you can induce your physical and mental relaxation.

With these auto suggestive (your self influencing) formulars you are able to put your body and mind in a state of deep relaxation. This method of autosuggestion is not confuse with hypnosis. You are fully conscious, you can lead your thoughts by yourself and you can bring off deep relaxtionconsciously.

The effect of the autogenic training for deep relaxation, stress management and also for a variety of psychosomatic disorders has been proven in numerous studies. In addition anxiolytic and spirit raising are established.

Autogenic Training is used preemptively for promotion of health but also as an accompaining relaxation technique in psychotherapeuthic treatment:
blood flow disorders, gastro-intestinal diseases, sleep disturbances, softening and soothing the pain, depressive mood, cardiovascular desease (hypertonia, tinnitus, coronary heart diseases), asthma, anxiety.

SyncSouls wishes you a great pleasure and real success in learning and enjoing the Autogenic Training!


Audio sample (preview mp3 directly)



Language: English
Narrator: Colin Griffiths-Brown
Production and directing: - Torsten Abrolat

Music: N.N.
Mastering: SyncSouls Mastering, Hamburg



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Complete Autogenic training beginner's exercise 1 of this audiobbook you can download here:

free mp3 autogenic training 1 for download


Titel-/Chapter Overview


  preview title duration
1 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau Introduction
Info about the german relaxation technique autogenic training
02:50 min
2 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau The exercise positions
before you start you'll get some helpful hints about positions for the autogenic training
02:48 min
3 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau

Autogenic training beginner's exercise 1

Relaxation, breathing and the heaviness exercise for arms and legs

11:31 min
4 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau

Autogenic training beginner's exercise 2

Relaxation, breathing and the warmth exercise for arms and legs

11:32 min
5 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau

Autogenic training beginner's exercise 3

Relaxation, breathing, the heaviness exercise for both arms and legs and the warmth exercise for both arms and legs

11:32 min
6 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau

Autogenic training beginner's exercise 4

Relaxation, breathing, the heaviness and warmth exercise for arms and legs

09:24 min
7 iPhone / iPad / iPod Vorschau

Autogenic training beginner's exercise

Version relaxing music and sounds pure for autogenic training

11:32 min


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Autogenic Training 1

Relax the german way;)
SyncSouls put together a methodical audio training for beginners which optimally coaches the autogenic training step by step. The aim of this exercises is to make you apply the autogenic training yourself in day to day situations and thus let you gain more balance and a better body perception.

The autogenic training (also known as contrantrative self relaxation) is a worldwide established relaxation technique. The method was developed by the German (Berlin) psychiatrist Johannes Schulz in the 20s of the 20th century.

The own body perception is trained and improves. Suggestive techniques are used for bringing off a relaxed muscular system and to feel it faster and more intense. With your own awareness, thus with your own suggestive (meaning self influencing) forces you can induce your physical and mental relaxation.

With these auto suggestive (your self influencing) formulars you are able to put your body and mind in a state of deep relaxation. This method of autosuggestion is not confuse with hypnosis. You are fully conscious, you can lead your thoughts by yourself and you can bring off deep relaxtionconsciously.

The effect of the autogenic training for deep relaxation, stress management and also for a variety of psychosomatic disorders has been proven in numerous studies. In addition anxiolytic and spirit raising are established.

Autogenic Training is used preemptively for promotion of health but also as an accompaining relaxation technique in psychotherapeuthic treatment:
blood flow disorders, gastro-intestinal diseases, sleep disturbances, softening and soothing the pain, depressive mood, cardiovascular desease (hypertonia, tinnitus, coronary heart diseases), asthma, anxiety.

SyncSouls wishes you a great pleasure and real success in learning and enjoing the Autogenic Training!


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